GP&E America, Inc.

GP&E America, Inc.


Product Inquiry

Let us know any questions about the product you interested in.

Product inquiry 글쓰기

Please write down your questions about the product. We'll give you an answer shortly.

Hp --
Consent to collect and use personal information
List of personal information you collect
The company collects the following personal information for membership registration, counseling, service application, etc.
- Collection items: name, e-mail, mobile phone, title, content
- How to collect personal information: Homepage (Product inquiry)

Purpose of collection and use of personal information
The company uses the collected personal information for the following purposes.
- Performance of contracts for service provision and settlement of fees for service provision
  · Purchase and payment, delivery of goods or shipping to billing address, etc.
- Member management
  · Identification, personal identification, prevention of illegal use and unauthorized use of defective members, confirmation of intention to join, and age verification according to the use of membership services.

Retention and use period of personal information

The company shall destroy the information without delay without exception after the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved.